Reading Music Piano
Reading Music Piano
Reading Music Piano [110] Every key on the piano has a picture of the written note.
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Scott Joplin Centennial Edition Melody Dicer E Book
Scott Joplin Melody Dicer Composing Game


JOPLIN MELODY DICER, the jazz composing game for all instruments. This dicer combine's Mozart's idea with the delightful sounds of the ragtime composer Scott Joplin. Arranged on cards, the player tosses dice to find the corresponding card. After 10 tosses and 10 cards, the rag is ready to be played. The Joplin dicer is virtually a never-ending source for providing tunes. And for the ragtime buff, well - it's just sheer entertainment.

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Toot-In-Time Band, Learning Through Listening
This early music course comes with ideas and instruments so that children can form their own little bands with their friends.
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Toot-In-Time Instruments for Kids

  Toot-In-Time Band instruments include: Kazoo, Tambourine, Rhythm Sticks, Castanets and Slide Whistle. Durable plastic, safe for ages 5 and up.

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Transposing Wheel [704] Transposes, also can be used for finding chords, intervals and scales.
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Vibrations [88] Shows the frequency for all notes of the piano keyboard. For harmony and acoustic classes.
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World In Tune, Music of the Ancient World

World In Tune, Music of the Ancient World World In Tune, Music of the Ancient World explores the music and culture of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Sumer/Babylon, China, India and Greece. Also contains historical and cultural information about these five civilizations. World … Continued

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