All Musical Instruments Chord and Fingering Charts
For over 45 years Carousel has published the largest collection of Music Chord, Fingering, Theory, History and Instrument Charts. Theory charts include How to Read Music, Circle of Fifths, Intervals and Scales. Charts are laminated, 8 ½" x 11" unless otherwise noted. Click on the chart to order.
Chords for Piano
Showing the most popular chords for Piano and how to play them. $6.95
More Chords for Piano
Picks up where the first Piano chart leaves off, showing the major 6th, minor 7th, major 7th, diminished 7th and 9th chords in all keys. $6.95
Reading Music Piano
Shows the corresponding note of every key on the piano. $6.95
More Chords for Guitar
takes up where Guitar Chords leaves off. Over 100 of the more progressive chords used today. $6.95
Guitar Fingerboard
Guitar Fingerboard for playing melody on the guitar. Every note of the instrument is shown. $6.95
Bass Guitar
Bass Guitar shows a fingerboard listing all the notes on the instrument. $6.95
Barred Chords for Guitar
Barred Chords for Guitar: make over 100 chords by using basic hand positions. $6.95
Chords for Ukulele
60 Popular Chords for Ukulele, a great little instrument to take on your travels. $6.95
Recorder Chart
Fingering Chart for the Recorder shows the fingerings for all recorders. $6.95
Flute Chart
Fingering Chart to learn Flute. Easy to use. Red dots show where to place your fingers. $6.95