Showing 9–16 of 21 results

Hand-Carved Flute from Chile
FLUTE CHILE This hand-crafted flute from a well-known artisan in Chile has a lovely tone. Unlike many wooden flutes, it is very light in weight. The larger holes are 1/2″ in diameter. Light-weight, 17 inches long.

Khen is a free-reed mouth organ from Thailand. Ancestor to the Western pipe organ, this unusual instrument has a sandlewood body with a mouthhole in one end.. It is held vertically between the hands so the fingers can stop the … Continued

Large wood Transverse Flute
Large wood Transverse Flute from Nepal. 6 holes. D flat. 30″ long. [nefl] $195.

Ocarinas with hand-painted geometric designs from Peru
Ocarinas with hand-painted geometric designs from Peru. 4 inches long. Assorted colors and designs.

Panpipes and Zamponas
Panpipes are found in the oldest civilizations. One myth surrounding them is that Pan, the Greek god of the woods, was in love with a water nymph who ran away from him and changed herself into a reed. Brooding over … Continued

PERUVIAN FLUTE with woven carry case
PERUVIAN FLUTE comes with woven carry case. Lovely tone. 21 inches long.

Peruvian Ocarina
These lovely clay ocarinas are from Peru. They are 4″ in diameter and have feet in the back so they can stand up on display. Designs and colors vary.