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JOPLIN MELODY DICER, for all instruments – Classroom Version
JOPLIN MELODY DICER, the jazz composing game for all instruments. This dicer combine's Mozart's idea with the delightful sounds of the ragtime composer Scott Joplin. Arranged on cards, the player tosses dice to find the corresponding card. After 10 tosses and 10 cards, the rag is ready to be played. The Joplin dicer is virtually a never-ending source for providing tunes. And for the ragtime buff, well - it's just sheer entertainment.
Gift version includes cards, dice, instructions and charts.

Scott Joplin Melody Dicer Composing Game
JOPLIN MELODY DICER, the jazz composing game for all instruments. This dicer combine's Mozart's idea with the delightful sounds of the ragtime composer Scott Joplin. Arranged on cards, the player tosses dice to find the corresponding card. After 10 tosses and 10 cards, the rag is ready to be played. The Joplin dicer is virtually a never-ending source for providing tunes. And for the ragtime buff, well - it's just sheer entertainment.