The Musician’s Theory Book is the text Hamerik used at the Conservatory. It represents the work of a real musician in the midst of the real world, yet testing with actual pupils for over a quarter-century what they can “get” and what they cannot. The book is clear, concise and practical – an outstanding reference book for any musician.
Asger Hamerik was born near Copenhagen in the 19th century. Hamerik studied with composer Nils Gade and later with Hans von Bulow in Berlin. His compositions were performed in Scandinavian cities, Paris and Milan. He is said to have been Berlioz’s only pupil. Early in 1871 he came to the U.S. as director of the Peabody Conservatory, where for 27 years he was a most forceful leader as teacher, conductor, composer, and – in this instance – theorist. $16.95
Tchaikovsky’s Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony. Tchaikovsky’s own view of harmony as he presented it to his students at the Moscow Conservatory.
Fascinating for its historical value, the text is, above all, a brilliant and instructive guide to the intricacies of musical harmony. It contains explanations, examples and exercises arranged in such a way that it can be used with a class, in private instruction, or by the individual musician.
Tchaikovsky’s Guide is a complete course in writing music. In it you will discover the marvelous insights into music which only a master composer could offer us. $12.95
Click here for Children’s Music Theory.
Click for Theory of Scales and Chords