Today we have millions of facts literally at our fingertips; millions of facts like millions of puzzle pieces, with no clue how to fit them together. In the ancient world, before the explosion of information, the puzzle was simpler and people knew how they fit in.
World In Tune goes back in time to five great ancient civilizations: Egypt, Sumer/Babylon, China, India and Greece. Strangely enough, for them music, which we see as entertainment, was the unifying creative force. And around this central core, the works of man took their place. Does this sound strange? Of course it does, but it really happened. In ancient China the college of music was in the enclosure of the Imperial Palace. The emperor’s first task was to find the tuning which would bring harmony to his reign. This centrality of music was common in these old civilizations.
World In Tune explores the great achievements of ancient people in literature, mythology, art and architecture with music as the core. $69.95
E-book version: $39.95
World In Tune™ Music of the Ancient World, was originally written for schools, integrating the arts and sciences with music as the core of the study. However, to our surprise, it found additional, unexpected audiences, with Special Ed teachers, high school students and professional musicians. Consequently we found this was due in great part to the colorful and informative writing of Dr. Willis Wager, who said, “From a base in literature I had found treasure in teaching “art”, defined as material from nature – pigment, stone, words, sounds – that had been subjected to human effort and shaped by the human mind, giving it special value.”
World In Tune TM is a program for ancient music, emphasizing rhythm, modes, listening and creating sounds. WIT comes in two forms: book or media version. Optional additions for the program include laminated time-line charts, decorative instruments charts for bulletin boards and authentic instruments from around the world.
World In Tune TM integrates history, art, humanities, math, theater, and dance with music as the core. Having music as the integrator requires no great leap of faith, for in the ancient civilizations of China, India, Egypt, Sumer/Babylon, and Greece, music did hold this position. Ancient peoples realized its two-fold aspect: 1. of sounding mathematics and 2. as art which touches the heart. This all-encompassing world view of music, before the common era, placed ancient man in a Musical Garden of Eden.
This is what World In Tune presents to your students.
Much of World in Tune is in story form which can be enjoyed by all students and emphasizes basic ideas which are then elaborated on. This makes it appropriate for elementary and secondary levels.