Once upon a time a little child taking piano lessons had trouble learning a musical idea. The child sat at the piano tense and anxious as she tried to understand. The lesson was at a standstill until, happily, our little canine mascot, Banjo, wandered into the room. (Continue)
Capitalizing on this fact that most children love animals– Carousel uses animal pictures and stories to create an atmosphere of gentle learning.
For instance, animals pictured on a choo-choo train indicate to the child where to place his or h
er fingers to play a Major Scale on the piano. Moving the train moves the key of the scale until the child can lay all the major scales, a fundamental skill for playing piano. It’s easy and it’s fun.
And our chord, fingering and theory charts are designed the same way, highly visual and easy to comprehend by adults and children who wish to learn to play an instrument.
As for the World In Tune program for schools and home schooling, it’s geared to 21st century holistic thought which strangely enough is in many ways similar to ideas which were prevalent 5000 years ago -Holistic, Integrative thinking is not a new phenomenon.
Toot-in-Time Band and World in Tune are presented in a story form to make learning interesting -everyone loves stories — from children to adults. In this way we welcome you and your children to the innovative and creative ideas presented by Carousel. And we take seriously the phrase play an instrument realizing that play is the open door to creativity. And this enhances over-all academic performance, as verified by studies available on the internet.
Carousel also caters to the professional musician with our line of world instruments.